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If you’re like me and like to take on home renovations yourself, you know how stressful it can be. My husband and I are on our fourth full home renovation and with every project, we’ve gotten better at knowing when to do things ourself and when to call a pro.

Here are my tips to help you avoid renovation fatigue:

  • Give yourself milestones/goals for tackling projects. If you’re not on a deadline, don’t rush it! If you feel like it’s moving slow, look back at old photos to see progress! Try to enjoy the process.
  • If you want to tackle projects yourself, try to keep it to a minimum of three projects at a time. My rule of thumb is to tackle no more than two “easy” projects, a one project that’s more involved.
  • Fight the urge to start a new project (before finishing up other projects) because they’re “quick”. They’re never quick and they add up fast!
  • If the thought of learning how to tackle a home project overwhelms you, it’s likely a project for the pros. The one project that I always recommend DIYing is painting. It’s easy to do, you can do it over time, and it can save you a lot of money to use for more involved projects.

If a project isn’t close to done and starts to feel overwhelming, don’t be afraid to ask for help or hire parts of it out.

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